Apple HomeKit Secure Video (HSV): A Guide to the Best Cameras, Features, Pros, and Cons

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Apple HomeKit Secure Video is a feature that allows users to connect cameras in and around their homes, offering secure video recording.

It provides end-to-end encryption through the Home app, ensuring that only authorized users can access video streams, recordings, and notifications.

HomeKit Secure Video utilizes iCloud for storage, enabling users to store up to 10 days of event footage, such as motion detection.

Users can access their home's camera footage from anywhere in the world using their Apple devices- iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV.


Users can share access to their cameras with others, such as family members or friends, and control their permissions, allowing them to view, stream, and manage cameras remotely.

HomeKit Secure Video offers face recognition and the ability to differentiate between people, packages, vehicles, and animals, although there may be occasional recognition errors.

Face Recognition

Users can also customize alerts and set multiple activity zones to control which areas trigger recordings or alerts, enhancing the system's flexibility.

The main advantage of HSV is its strong security features, including end-to-end encryption, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to access video footage.

Requires an iCloud storage plan of at least 200 GB for one camera or 2 TB for up to five cameras, which adds to the cost of using HSV.


It only works with a limited number of compatible cameras from select brands, such as Eufy, Logitech, and Netatmo.

HSV lacks options for automated security camera recording, which may inconvenience users who want to schedule recording times.

Lack of Automation: 

Lack of support for Android devices, inability to record video continuously, and restriction to 1080p video quality.

Some other

Logitech Circle View, eufyCam 2C, and Aqara 2K Security Indoor Camera Hub G3

Best recommended Apple HomeKit-compatible cameras