China proposes new rules to limit children’s smartphone use | Features built-in "minor mode"  Full story here

China has announced a new proposal to limit the amount of time that children and teenagers can spend on their smartphones

It is part to combat internet addiction and promote 'good morality' and 'socialist values' among minors.

The proposal, released by the country’s top internet regulator, the Cyberspace Administration of China.

According to the proposal, all mobile devices, apps, and app stores must feature a built-in "minor mode" that restricts daily screen time to a max of 2 hours a day, depending on the age group

The proposed draft rules were open for public discussion until September 2nd.


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Draft Rule 1:  No one under 18 would be able to access their screens between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. while using the minor mode.

Draft Rule 2: Children below 8 years old would have a daily phone usage limit of 40 minutes, whereas those aged 8 to 16 would be allowed up to 1 hour of screen time.

Draft Rule 3: Teenagers over 16 and under 18 would be allowed two (2) hours. Parents can override the time restriction, and all age groups receive a 30-minute rest reminder.

Some parents interviewed by CNN voiced support for the proposal, while others oppose it due to its impact on children's rights and privacy.

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