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General Knowledge 2020 International Organization


Update: List International Organization 2020 | Inside eBook GK 2020

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United Nations Organization
Head office: Newyork
Established: 26 June 1945
Since: 24 October 1945
Members: 193
Sec. General: Antonio Guterres (Portuguese)

UNO consists of The General Assembly, The Security Council, The Economic & Social Council, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council, Secretariat

The General Assembly
Head Office: New York
Members: All
President: Tijjani Muhammad-Bande
The meeting will commence every year 3rd Thursday of September

Security Council
Head Office: New York
Members: 15
President: Vasily Nebenzya
Five permanent and ten Non- permanent members
Five permanent members = USA, UK, Russia, China, France

The Economic & Social Council
Head Office: New York
Members :
President: Mona Juul
Trusteeship Council
Head Office: New York

International Court of Justice
Head Office: The Hague (Netherlands)
President: Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia)
Vice-President : Xue Hanqin (China)

Members : 15 Judges + 1 Chief Justice
15 Judges for 9 years & Chief Justice for 3 years
Note: Justice Dalveer Bhandari (India) also one of the member

The Secretariat
Head Office : New York
President : Antonio Guterres (Portuguese)
UNO official languages are = 6 – France, Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish (FACE Rs)

UNICEF (United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund)
Headquarters: New York & Geneva
Established : 11 December 1946
Director : Henrietta H Fore

UNDP (United Nations Development Program)
Headquarters: New York
Established : 1965
Administrator: Achim Steiner (Brazil)

UN Women
Headquarters: New York
Established : 2 July 2010
Director : Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka (South Africa)

World Bank
Headquarters: Washington DC, U S A
Established : July 1945
Motto : Working for a World Free of Poverty
Members : 189

ILO (International Labor Organization)
Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland)
Established : 1919
Members : 187
CEO : Guy Rider (UK)

UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
The UNHCR has won two Nobel Peace Prizes, once in 1954 and again in 1981
Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland)
Established : 14 December 1950
Director : Filippo Grandi (Italy)

WHO (World Health Organization)
World Health Day – April 7th
Head Office : Geneva (Switzerland)
Established : 7 April 1948
Members : 194
Director : Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia)
WHO Good Will Ambassador for Physical Activity – Milka Singh (India)

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade & Development)
Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland)
Established : 1964
Members : 194
Sec. General : Mukisha Kituyi (Kenya)

WTO (World Trade Organization)
Headquarters: Geneva
Established : 1 January 1995
Members : 164
Director : Roberto Azevedo (Brazil)

Head Office : Washington DC
Established : 7 July 1945
Members : 189
Director : Kristalina Georgieva

FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization)
World Food Day – October 16th
Headquarters: Rome (Italy)
Established : 16 October 1945
Motto : Let there be bread
Members : 197
Director : Qu Dongyu

IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)
Headquarters: Rome (Italy)
Established : 1977
Members :
Director : Gilbert Houngbo

WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
Headquarters: Geneva
Established : 14 July 1967
Members : 189
Director : Francis Gurry (Australia)

UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization)
Headquarters: Paris (France)
Established : 16 November 1945
Members : 195
Director : Audrey Azouly (France)

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development)
Headquarters: Paris (France)
Established : 1960
Members : 35
Sec. General : José Ángel Gurría Treviño

UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
World Environment Day – June 5th
Headquarters: Nairobi (Kenya)
Established : 5 June 1972
Members :
Director : Inger Andersen

OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons)
The OPCW has won Nobel Peace Prize in 2013
Head Office : The Hague (Netherlands)
Established : 29 April 1997
Members : 193
CEO : Fernando Arias

European Union (EU)
Headquarters: Brussels (Belgium)
Established : 1999
Since : 2002
Members : 28
President : Ursula von der Leyen

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Headquarters: Vienna (Austria)
Established : 29 July 1957
Members : 168
Director : Rafael Mariano Grossi

UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
Headquarters: Vienna (Austria)
Established : 1966
Members :
Director : Li Yoong (China)

African Union (AU)
Headquarters: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)
Established : 9 July 2002
Motto : A United and Strong Africa
Members : 55
President : Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
The ICRC has won three Nobel Peace Prizes in 1917, 1944 and 1963
Headquarters: Geneva (Switzerland)
Established : 17 February 1863
Founder : Henry Dunant (Switzerland)
President : Peter Maurer (Switzerland)

Asian Development Bank
Headquarters: Manila (Philippines)
Established : 19 December 1966
Motto : Fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific
Members : 67
President : Masatsugu Asakawa

New Development Bank (NDB)
The New Development Bank is a BRICS Development Bank
BRICS Countries
B – Brazil
R – Russia
I – India
C – China
S – South Africa
Established : July 2015
Headquarters: Shanghai (China)
Members : 5
President : K V Kamath (India)

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Established : 16 January 2016
Headquarter: Beijing (China)
Members : 70
President : Jin Liqun (China)

International Solar Alliance (ISA)
Founded: 2015 (Paris – France)
Founders: Narendra Modi (India) & Francois Holllando (France)
Headquarters: Gurgaon – Haryana
Members : 121 countries (as of 2017)
Official Language: English
Head : H. E Upendar Tripathy (India)

International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
Formed : 1959
Headquarters: London (UK)
Members : 173 countries
Head : Kitac Lin (South Korea)

World Tourism Organization (WTO)
Formation: 1973
Headquarters: Madrid (Spain)
Members: 158
Head: Zurab Pololikashvili (Georgia)

World Customs Organization (WCO)
Formation: 26th July 1952
Headquarters: Brussels (Belgium)
Sec. General: Kunio Mikuriya (Japan)

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Formation: 26th January 2009
Headquarters: Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Members: 153 + European Union
Director General: Francesco La Camera


Group – 8 (G – 8)
Established: 1975
G-8 Countries: Italy, Canada, Russia, USA, France, Japan, UK, Germany

44rd G – 7 Summit 2018
Place: Quebec (Canada)
Date: 8 – 9 June 2018
Note: Russia was suspended from G – 8 Group

45th G – 7 Summit 2019
Host Country: France
Date: 25 – 27 August 2019

Group – 20 (G – 20)
Established : 1999
G- 20 Countries : India, Indonesia, Italy, Turkey, Japan, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, USA, Russia,
European Union, Brazil, UK, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Saudi Arabia, China, France, Canada
For 2017 (12th)
Hoct City: Hamburg (Germany)
Date : 7 – 8 July 2017
For 2018 (13th)
Hoct City: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Date: 30 November 2018 – 1 December 2018
G – 20 Summit (14th) – 2019
Host Country: Japan
Date: 28 – 29 June 2019

BRICS is an association of five major emerging national economies
B – Brazil
R – Russia
I – India
C – China
S – South Africa
Established : 2010
For 2018 (10th):
Place : Johanneberg (South Africa),
Date: 25 – 27 July 2018
Theme : Co-operation for inclusive Growth & Sharing the benefits of fourth industrial revolution
BRICS Countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
11th BRICS Summit 2019
Host Country: Brazil
Date: 12 – 14 March 2019

Established : 2006
IBSA Countries: India, Brazil, South Africa
7th IBSA Summit 2017
Host City: South Africa
Date: 17 October 2017

SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co- operation)
Established : 1985
Head Office : Katmandu (Nepal)
Sec. General : Amjad Hussain B sial (Pakistan)
SAARC Countries: Maldives, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal
20th SAARC Summit 2019
Host Country: Sri Lanka
Date: 2019

ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations)
Established : 1967
Head Office : Jakarta (Indonesia)
Motto : One Vision, One Identity, One Community
Sec. General : Lim Jock Hoi
ASEAN Countries: Vietnam, Laos, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Philippines
34th ASEAN Summit 2019
Host Country: Thailand
Date: April/May – 2019
35th ASEAN Summit 2019
Host Country: Thailand
Date: October/November 2019

APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)
Established : 1989
Head Office : Singapore
Members : 21
APEC Countries: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico,
New Zealand, Papua, New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Chinese Taipe, Thailand, USA, Vietnam
26th APEC Summit 2018
Host Country: Papua New Guinea
Date: 17 – 18 November 2018
27th APEC Summit – 2019
Host Country: Chile
Date: 16 – 17 November 2019

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Established : 1960
Head Office : Vienna (Austria)
Members : 14 Countries
Sec. General : Mohammad Barkindo
OPEC Countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Venezuela, Angola, Iraq, Qatar, UAE, Ecuador
2018 OPEC Summit
Host City: Vienna (Austria)
Date: 20 – 21 June 2018

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Established : 1949
Head Office : Brussels (Belgium)
Members : 29 countries
Sec. General : Jens Stoltenberg
NATO Summit – 2018
Host Country: Belgium
Date : 11 – 12 July 2018
NATO Summit – 2019
Host Country: UK
Date : 2019

ADB (Asian Development Bank)
Established : 1966
Head Office : Manila (Philippines)
Members : 67 countries
Motto : Fighting poverty in Asia and the Pacific
President : Masatsugu Asakawa
51st ADB Summit 2018
Host City: Manila (Philippines)
Date: 3 – 6 May 2018
52nd ADB Summit – 2019
Host Country: Fiji
Date: 1 – 5 May – 2019

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Annual Meeting
Established : 16 January 2016
Headquarter: Beijing (China)
Members : 87
President : Jin Liqun (China)
AIIB Annual Meeting – 2018
Place: Mumbai
Date: June 25 – 26, 2018
Theme: Mobilizing Finance for Infrastructure
Innovation & Collabaration AIIB Annual Meeting – 2019
Host Country: Luxumberg
Date: July – 2019

BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectorial Technical & Economic Co- operation)
Established : 6 June 1997
Head Office : Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Secretary General: M Shahidul Islam (Bangladesh)
BIMSTEC Countries: Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Thailand
16th BIMSTEC Summit 2018
Host City: Kathmandu (Nepal)
Date: 30 – 31 August 2018
17th BIMSTEC Summit – 2019
Host Country: Sri Lanka
Date: 2019

WEF (World Economic Forum)
Established: 1971
Head Office: Cologne (Switzerland)
Motto: Committed to improving the state of the world
Chairman: Klaus Schwab
WEF Annual Meeting – 2019
Host Country: Switzerland
Date: 22 – 25 January – 2019

Nuclear Security Summit
Established: 2010
4th Nuclear Security Summit 2016: Held in Washington DC (USA), March 31 – April 1, 2016

NAM (Non- Aligned Movement)
Established: 1961
Headquarters: Jakarta (Indonesia)
Members: 120
Sec. General: Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela)
18th NAM Summit 2019
Host Country: Azerbaijan
Date: 2019

CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings)
Established: 1949
25th CHOGM Summit 2018
Host Country: UK
Date: 19 – 20 April 2018
26th CHOGM Summit 2020
Host Country: Rwanda
Date: 2020

Indo- Africa Forum Summit
Established: 2008
4th India – Africa Forum Summit 2018
Host Country: New Delhi (India)
Date: 27 – 28 March 2018
Theme: India – Africa: Deepening the Security Engagement

Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas
January 9: Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas or Non – Resident Indian Day
Established: 2003
For 2019: Varanasi from January 21 to 23
Chief Guest: Pravind Jugnauth, Prime Minister of Mauritius
Theme: Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India

Earth Summit
Established: 1972
Head Office: Rio de Janeiro (South Africa)
5th Earth Summit – 2012
Host Country: Brazil
Date: 2012

International Science Congress Association (ISCA)
Established: 1914
Headquarter: Kolkata
106th Indian Science Congress 2019
Place: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Date: 3 – 7 January 2019
Theme: Future India: Science & Technology

Earth Hour
Since: 2007, in Sydney (Australia)
For 2019:
March 30th, 2019 Saturday, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)
For 2018 (9th)
Place: IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal
Date: 2 – 4 February 2018

Global Investors Summit
For 2018:
Place: Guhawati (Assam, India)
Date : 3 – 4 February 2018
Global Investors Summit – 2019
Place: Madhya Pradesh
Date: 23 – 24 February – 2019

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Founded: 15 June 2001
Headquarters: Beijing – China
Members: 8 | China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Sec. General: Vladimir Norov
For 2018
Place: Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
Date: 11 – 12 October 2018
For 2019
Host Country: Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

Global Climate Action Summit
For 2018
Place: California (USA)
Date: 12 – 14 September 2018
For 2019
Host Country: New York City (USA)
Date: 23 September – 2019
Theme: A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win

Nepal – India Think Tank Summit (NITTS)
Since: 2018
Held by: Asian Institute of Diplomacy & International Affairs (AIDIA) + Nehru Memorial Museum Library
For 2018 (1st)
Host City: Kathmandu (Nepal)
Date: 31st July 2018

World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS)
For 2019
Place: New Delhi (India)
Date: 11 – 13 February 2019
Theme: Attaining the 2030 Agenda: Delivering on Promise

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