
How to Fix Error mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1300)

How to Fix Error Host Localhost is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB Server

Xamp Server Localhost WordPress Error: To fix mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1300) Host ‘Localhost’ is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB Server error, follow below step to it fix within 2 mins

Localhost not connect MariaDB Server

Error mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1300) is often seen when we try to open localhost WordPress website/blog with xampp server/ wamp server which pops with (HY000/1300) error message as shown in the image above

To fix mysqli_real_connect() error, follow the 6 steps below and make it fix in 2 mins

Step 1:

Stop Apache and MySQL modules in Xampp Server control panel

Step 2:

Select and open “my.ini” text file in config of MySQL Module

Localhost not connect MariaDB Server

Step 3:

Open “my.ini” in a text editor and find # The MySQL server [mysqld]

Step 4:

Just write one line “skip-grant-tables” below [mysqld]


# The MySQL server
port= 3306


Step 5:

Save and exit “my.ini” file

Step 6:

Start Apache and MySQL modules in the Xampp Server control panel. Now you can open your blog/ website without an error

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To make WordPress website/blog fast and better, install the below-listed plugins which are highly recommended by many SEO Analysts

1) Yoast SEO or All in one SEO

2) AddtoAny Share Button, best plugin for sharing posts

3) WP-Optimize, Recommended for database optimization

4) WP Rocket Footer

5) WP Mail SMTP

6) WordPress Popular posts

7) Redirection

8) Autoptimize

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