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Updated List of India ranking in different indexes 2020


Updated Feb 2020, List of India ranking indexes 2020

Updated: 2020; List of the Global indexes reports of World and Indian

Human Development Index

Global Hunger Index

Press Freedom Index

Global Peace Index GPI

Global Corruption Index

World Happiness Index Report

Global Innovation Index

Social Progress Index

Global Competitiveness Index

World Economic Freedom Index

Global Youth Development Index

Global Gender Gap Index

Ease of Doing Business Index

Good Country Index

Global Cyber Security Index (GCI)

Global Connectivity Index (GCI)

Global Democracy Index (GDI)

Environmental Performance Index (EPI)

World Economic Forum

World Childhood Index

Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI)

Global Liveability Index

E-Government Development Index (EGDI)

End of Childhood Index

Commitment to Reducing Index (CRI)

Global Energy Transition Index

Global Hunger Index

The Global hunger index rankings are used to describe ‘hunger’ situations in the state of countries. Global Hunger Index updated every year. This GHI Index was developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute, IFPRI

Global hunger index 2018 Ranking

Belarus – 1st

Global Hunger Index India – 102 out of 117 countries

Central African Republic – 117th

Press Freedom Index

The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries press freedom reporting and publications

Press Freedom Index 2019 Ranking

Norway – 1st

Finland – 2nd

Sweden – 3rd

Press Freedom Index India – 140 (45.67) out of 180 countries

Turkmenistan – 180th

Global Peace Index GPI

The Global Peace Index Ranking, GPI is to measure peacefulness in nations and the regions. This Index is compiled every year by the Institute for Economics and Peace, Sydney

Since: 2007

Global Peace Index 2019 Ranking

Iceland – 1st

New Zealand – 2nd

Portugal– 3rd

Global Peace Index India – 141st (2.605) out of 163

Last Country, Somalia – 163rd

Global Corruption Index

Since 1996, Transparency International (TI) publishing a Global Corruption Index annual ranking of countries by their perceived levels of corruption. This index level ranking defines corruption in the public power for private benefits

Since: 1996

Global Corruption Index 2018 Ranking

Denmark, New Zealand – 1st

Global Corruption Index India – 80th (41 Points) out of 180 countries

Somalia – 180

World Happiness Index Report

United Nations Sustainable Development publishing the World Happiness Index Report annually, it’s a measure of happiness

Factors for Happiness Index: Caring, Freedom, Generosity, Health, Income, Good Governance

World Happiness Index 2019 Ranking

Finland – 1st

Denmark – 2nd

Norway – 3rd

World Happiness Index India – 140 out of 156 countries

South Sudan – 156th

Global Innovation Index

INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization publishes an annual ranking of countries to their innovations, capacity, and success in a report known as the Global Innovation Index

Since: 2007

Publisher: INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization

Global Innovation Index 2019 Ranking

Switzerland – 1st

Sweden – 2nd

United States of America – 3rd

Global Innovation Index India – 52nd (36.58 Points) out of 129 countries

Social Progress Index

The Social Progress Index is used to measure whether the countries fulfilling the needs of their citizens in providing social and environmental needs to them

Social Progress Index is published by the nonprofit Social Progress Imperative

Since: 2014

Social Progress Index 2019-20 Ranking

Norway – 1st

Denmark – 2nd

Switzerland – 3rd

Social Progress Index India – 100 out of 146 countries

Global Competitiveness Index

World Economic Forum publishes the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) annually.

Factors of Index: Productivity, Citizens prosperity levels, Resources Availability

Since: 2007

Publisher: World Economic Forum (WEF)

Global Competitiveness Index 2019 Ranking

Singapore – 1st

United States -2nd

Hong Kong – 3rd

Global Competitiveness Index India – 68 (61.4 points) out of 141 countries

Link: Download full report of Competitiveness Index 2019-20

World Economic Freedom Index

The Heritage Foundation and The Wall street Journal publishes the World Economic Freedom Index or The Index of Economic Freedom is an annually to measure the economic freedom in the nations of the world
Since: 1995; Publishers: Heritage Foundation and Wall street Journal

World Economic Freedom Index 2018-19 Ranking

Hong Kong – 1st

Singapore – 2nd

New Zealand – 3rd

World Economic Freedom Index India – 129 out of 180 countries

Link: Download full Reports of World Economic Freedom Index 2018-19

Global Youth Development Index

Factors contribute in the Youth Development Index were Education, Health and well being, employment and opportunity, political participation and civic participation for young people of age group 15 and 29 years

Global Youth Development Index 2018 Ranking

Germany – 1st

Denmark – 2nd

Australia – 3rd

Global Youth Development Index India – 130th out of 189 countries

Global Gender Gap Index

World Economic Forum (Geneva) publishes the Global Gender Gap Index which used to measure gender equality in World nations
Since: 2006
Publisher: World Economic Forum (Geneva)

Global Gender Gap Index 2020 Ranking

Iceland – 1st

Norway – 2nd

Finland – 3rd

Global Gender Gap Index India – 112th (Score: 66.8%) out of 153 countries

Ease of Doing Business Index

World Bank publishes an annual report of The Ease of Doing Business Index. Factors contributing to this index are given below

10 Main The Ease of Doing Business Index indicators:
a) Getting Electricity
b) Dealing with construction permits
c) Registering property
d) Protecting Investors
e) Getting credits
f) Employing workers
g) Trading across borders
h) Paying taxes
i) Enforcing contracts
j) Resolving insolvency

Ease of Doing Business Index 2019 Ranking

New Zealand – 1st

Singapore – 2nd

Hong Kong – 3rd

Ease of Doing Business Index India – 63rd (Easy) out of 190 countries

Somalia – 190

Good Country Index

The Good Country Index publishes reports for every two years i.e., it’s Biennial Index founded by Somon Anbolt, UK

Good Country Index 2018-19 Ranking

Finland – 1st

Netherlands– 2nd

Ireland – 3rd

Good Country Index India – 44th out of 50 countries

Last Country: Serbia (50th)

Global Cyber Security Index (GCI)

International Telecommunication Union ITU publishes reports of Global Cyber Security Index to measure the commitment of the countries in the area of Cybersecurity

5 Categories for this index: Legal Measures, Technical Measures, Organizational Measures, Capacity Building and Cooperation.

Publisher: International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Global Cyber Security Index 2019-20 Ranking

Singapore– 1st

USA – 2nd

Malaysia – 3rd

Global Cyber Security Index India – 23rd (Score: 0.683) out of 165 countries

Global Connectivity Index (GCI)

The Global Connectivity Index (GCI) is a comprehensive guide for the digital economy
since: 2014

Global Connectivity Index 2018 Ranking

United States – 1st

Switzerland – 2nd

Sweden – 3rd

Global Connectivity Index India – 65th (Score: 34) out of 79 countries

Ethiopia – 79

Global Democracy Index (GDI)

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), UK based company measures world nations democracy and publishes a report known as the Global Democracy Index.

Global Democracy Index measures by 60 indicators which grouped in 5 categories like Pluralism, Civil liberties, and political culture

Publisher: Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) – UK
Since: 2006

Global Democracy Index 2019 Ranking

Norway – 1st

Iceland – 2nd

Sweden – 3rd

Global Democracy Index India – 51st (Score: 6.9, Flawed democracy) out of 167 countries

Last 167th: North Korea

Environmental Performance Index (EPI)

Yale University and Columbia University publishes Environmental Performance Index (EPI), its method of quantifying the environmental performance of a state’s policies

Since: 2012
Publishers: Yale University and Columbia University

Environmental Performance Index 2018 Ranking

Switzerland – 1st

France – 2nd

Denmark – 3rd

Environmental Performance Index India – 177th Out of 180 countries

Burundi – 180th

World Economic Forum

Foundation of World Economic Forum: January 1971
Founder: Klaus Schwab (Germany)
Headquarters: Cologny (Switzerland)

World Economic Forum 2018 Ranking

Sweden – 1st

Norway – 2nd

Switzerland – 3rd

World Economic Forum India – 78th out of 114 countries

World Childhood Index

Publisher: Global Child Rights Group

World Childhood Index 2018 Ranking

Singapore – 1st

Slovenia – 2nd

World Childhood Index India – 113th out of 175 countries

Niger – 175th

Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI)

The Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) is an annual report that measures the ability of countries to compete for talent
Since: 2013

Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019 Ranking

Switzerland – 1st

USA – 2nd

Singapore – 3rd

Global Talent Competitiveness Index India – 72nd out of 125 countries

Last 132nd Country: Yemen

Global Liveability Index

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) publishes Global Liveability Ranking report annually about urban quality of life, stability, healthcare, culture, and environment, education and infrastructure

Global Liveability Ranking 2019 Ranking

Vienna (Austria) – 1st

Melbourne (Australia) – 2nd

Sydney – 3rd

New Delhi (India) – 118th

Mumbai (India) – 119th

Damascus (Syria) – 140th

E-Government Development Index (EGDI)

EGDI 2018-19 Ranking

Denmark – 1st

Australia – 2nd

Republic Korea – 3rd

EGDI India Rank – 96th

End of Childhood Index

Publisher: Save the Children’s

End of Childhood Index 2019 Ranking

Singapore -1st

Sweden – 2nd

Finland – 3rd

End of Childhood Index India – 113th out of 176 countries

Commitment to Reducing Index (CRI)

The Publisher: Oxfam International (UK)

Commitment to Reducing Index 2018-19 Ranking

Denmark – 1st

Germany – 2nd

Finland – 3rd

Commitment to Reducing Index India – 147th out of 157 countries

Global Energy Transition Index

Publisher: World Economic Forum

Global Energy Transition Index 2019 Ranking

Sweden – 1st

Switzerland – 2nd

Norway – 3rd

Global Energy Transition Index Ranking of India in the world – 76th out of 115 countries

Learn More:

Link: Complete GK 2020 PDF Download

2 thoughts on “Updated List of India ranking in different indexes 2020

  • Akshay

    Can u please update this list to 2018?

    We would appreciate it..

    Thanks in advance

    • F D A Y T A L K

      Hi Akshay,
      List as been Updated- Tq

